Unlocking Superpowers

Day 4 Challenge: “Hopefully, you have discovered at least one or two superpowers that you have. They could even be something that you didn’t know existed until now! I want you to write down what these are and how these superpowers will help you to realize your dream of living the freedom lifestyle.”

Natalie’s 10 Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge Day 4

Unlocking My Superpowers

Superpowers, hmm, I never really thought I had superpowers. But, I believe there is something really great inside each of us. We simply need to find our own key that grants access to these gifts.

Superpower number one: I have been told that I have magic hands. I usually laugh and brush it off but, when it comes to massage and energy healing, I do feel that my hands are magic. This magic is coming from a source of energy greater than I. I have simply learned to access this powerful energy and channel it through me to you.

Another superpower? Oh boy, this is hard, I feel like I am putting myself up on a pedestal and I would really like to remain humble and low key. Let me dig deep…. okay I got one. I have a talent (or something) for stumbling upon feathers. Everywhere I go, every single day, I find feathers. I find feathers inside the house and outside. Just this summer, I found dozens of large turkey feathers. I have found unique little blue feathers and even tiny fluffy feathers. I’ve found dozens and dozens of eagle feathers and even one giant condor feather found its way to me (all in Peru where they are legal to have, I think). I have even seen feathers falling from the sky right in front of me.

You see, I do not seek out these feathers, in fact, when I do seek them out, I will not see them. It is only when I am not looking that I find them.It is a great reminder to me that when I choose to force something in life, I find that it is always a struggle, every step of the way. I fight it or it fights me. I remind myself to find the patience necessary, sit back and allow for things to happen the way they are meant to. Patience grasshopper.

Okay, there must be one more superpower. Here goes a super-secret, people tell me I have a way of seeing them, the real them. I see through their weakness into their strength. I see through their past and into the present moment. I see past their guilt and accept them for who they are today. They tell me they feel their own truth coming forward. Somehow, (I don’t know what it is that I do) but they leave feeling uplifted, inspired and on a high for days or weeks. I believe it is just that I see their good, their potential and the ability to love a brother or sister on a deeper level than they’ve ever experienced. A great quote I like, “People will forget what you say, people will forget what you do, but people will never forget how you make them feel.”

Okay, so that’s a wrap. Whew, all this talk about superpowers, I may actually begin to believe I really have something worth sharing!




3 thoughts on “Unlocking Superpowers

  1. I’m loving your blog posts!!! The pictures are definitely a nice touch to go along with them. Hope you’re doing well. Miss you!!


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